8:45 Business Connections
The 8:45 BWC Glasgow business networks take place in the morning after the school run or before you start work. It begins with a cup of coffee and a pastry in a relaxed atmosphere. During the networking, attendees are able to chat with groups of women for 15 minutes, and then they are asked to move around the room to ensure maximum networking and opportunities.
What are the benefits of being part of a business network?
Women's networks support women in business by building confidence, as many women have low self esteem and networks provide many advantages and opportunities for empowerment. In addition, statistics demonstrate that women make strong progress through networking in their local communities and are excellent communicators.
Strengthen business connections. Networking is about sharing advice and contacts
Get fresh ideas and be creative in business
Raise your business profile
Have access to job opportunities
Being part of a network provides career advice and support
What makes a good networking event?
The best networking events have a focus. This ensures your guests have common ground to talk with one another and they’ll get the most benefit out of the event.
What does networking do for a business?
Networking is used by professionals to widen their circles of acquaintances, to find out about job opportunities, and increase their awareness of news and trends in their fields. By networking, business owners can establish relationships with people and companies that may do business with them in the future.
Do you have any tips on how to build trust in a business relationship?
Being successful in business development starts with building trust. You can control the way people perceive you and be trustworthy in their eyes.
Top tips
Get to know your colleagues, partners, and your customer base. Develop a genuine interest in your customers, because when you show interest people tend to open up more.
The first component of trust is clarity. When you discuss with stakeholders, be clear in your message. Create messages that are clear and easy to understand.
The second component of trust is connection. We are social creatures and we naturally seek human connection. Deep connection makes us feel happy, fulfilled, and safe. This is true for both personal and business relationships.
Clients and partners want to work with someone they feel connected to and that shares the same values.
The best way to build trust in business is to be consistent with your actions, even if that means doing repetitive tasks or not having immediate results.
Building trust requires time and in that time your relations will observe you. They will pay attention to your behaviours and if they are consistent they will perceive you as reliable. Being reliable will make you a valuable asset and will help you develop strong and long-lasting relationships.
How do you nurture a business connection once you’ve made one?
Identify How You Can Provide Additional Value, how you can add value with your time, resources, connections or expertise. Have excellent customer service.
Focus On Mutual Success
Focus on the success of others and be honest. The best business relationships have happened when we focused on mutual success and trust. We know that when times get tough, we'll be in it together.
Do you have any tips for shy, newbie networkers?
Most people attending networks come along by themselves. You won't be the only new person in the room and you won't feel alone. Those who attend networks are there for a reason and want to meet you, so you will feel welcome.
Write down your questions
Your listening skills are your assets
Throw in some compliments
How often to BWC groups meet?
8:45 BWC business clubs meet on the first Wednesday of each month.
Is there a limit on how many women from each industry can join in any one region?
There are no limits, the more the better. It shows women in business are thriving and have built a great network of support.